What is a Game Podcast

Lot of times I am getting the question, what is a game podcast? Who is listening to it? And who is producing this? Hobby or work? Well, I like to do create it and call it “Game Consultant“, since I want to help people to understand the gaming industry!

As a gamer, you only have a certain amount of time per day that you can actually play games. Assuming you have a life that involves school, work, hanging out with friends, going to the gym, or some combination thereof, you’re left with just a few hours per week to spend with a controller in hand.

But just because you can’t spend 18 hours a day slaying noobs in Call of Duty or taking your buddies on in FIFA friendlies, doesn’t mean you can’t get more enjoyment out of your hobby. If you spend any time at all in the car, exercising, sitting in a cubicle punching away at a keyboard, etc., you have time for gaming podcasts.

Video Game Podcast Interviews hosted by Reinout te Brake
Video Game Podcast Interviews hosted by Reinout te Brake

If you’ve yet to discover game podcast, you’re in for a treat. There are dozens in the iTunes store, though some are notably superior. Finding one you like is like rescuing Princess Peach for the first time. It’s a sweet moment where all feels right in the world.

To help you in your quest for finding the best video game podcasts, here’s a look at 5 awesome video game podcasts you can add to your playlist.

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